The issue

Medical cannabis has well-documented analgesic properties that make it an effective medicine to treat many cases of chronic pain. It is an especially important option for patients for have found traditional pain relief options ineffective, and it may have fewer side effects and risks than some traditional medications.

The problem

More than half of the states, plus the District of Columbia, Guam and Puerto Rico, have medical marijuana and cannabis programs, but it may only be available to certain, highly specific patient populations, not necessarily all those who have chronic pain.

Our position: legalize medical cannabis

We believe people with chronic illness and pain should have access to all safe, effective treatments, including medical cannabis. Read our full position statement here.

Get involved

Tips for advocating for medical cannabis legalization in your state

By Ellen Lenox Smith, Co-Director for Medical Cannabis Advocacy, U.S. Pain Foundation Although we are getting closer, many of you still live in states where it is illegal and may have the desire to know what you can do to help expedite the process of legalization.